How To Stop a Nosebleed: 6 Simple Steps

How To Stop a Nosebleed: 6 Simple Steps

Epistaxis, also known as a common nosebleed, is characterized by bleeding from the nasal mucus membranes. More simply put, a nosebleed is bleeding from the tissue inside the nose.  While a nosebleed can look pretty scary, they are minor and will stop on their own in...
7 Common Eye Injuries

7 Common Eye Injuries

The human eye is a complicated organ, with anywhere between 110 to 125 million rods and 6.4 million cones. They help us immensely in everyday life, providing vital information about things around us. We usually take our eyes for granted… until something happens...
A Dog Bit Me – What Do I Do?

A Dog Bit Me – What Do I Do?

Nearly 5 million Americans are bitten by dogs every year.  Half of all dog bite victims are kids under nine years old. Being bitten by a dog is both painful and scary, and being bitten by a strange dog is even more dangerous.  Read on to discover what you need to do...